感激生產力局及千禧獅子會支持,Java 52堂免費課程已經上到第28堂了,本次教學實驗證明小學生及年青人有能力學習更高水平之編程技術,只要教學得堂,他們是非常容易就掌握到現代編程語言之寫作方法。
Joined ESF COCO 2024 to give a talk to students. Attending the ESF COCO 2024 was an enriching experience that highlighted the excitement and potential of programming. This event provided an excellent opportunity to explore the latest technologies, share learning experiences, and connect with like-minded individuals.
First, the various keynote speeches offered valuable insights. Experts discussed emerging trends in artificial intelligence, data science, and cybersecurity. These topics not only broadened my understanding but also ignited my enthusiasm for future learning. Hearing from industry leaders about their journeys helped clarify my own career aspirations.
Additionally, the hands-on workshops were incredibly practical, allowing me to apply what I had learned. Collaborating with other participants enhanced my communication and teamwork skills, which are crucial for any programmer. Through practical exercises, I identified areas for improvement in my programming abilities, motivating me to continue honing my skills.
Finally, interacting with participants from diverse backgrounds showcased the inclusivity and vibrancy of the programming community. Everyone shared a passion for technology, exchanging stories and challenges, which solidified my commitment to pursuing programming.
In summary, ESF COCO 2024 not only enhanced my programming skills but also deepened my understanding of this rapidly evolving field. I look forward to attending similar events in the future to continue learning and growing.Share
於3 月23 日,香港千禧獅子會於柴灣的香港高 等教育科技學院與香港編程學會一起合辦了 首屆千禧創科教育日暨全港編程大賽,當日超過 80 位不同年齡和界別的參賽者參與,並有不同的 科技業界和義工們協助,令今次比賽生色不少。是次編程比賽除了得到香港高科院支持外,更獲得 由上屆總監冼健岷獅兄創辦的獅子會創科基金支 援。今次比賽發起人– 獅子會科技小組的張民傑獅 兄,同時也是本會前會長,眼見香港創科界比人落 後,所以本身作為科技顧問公司創辦人的他就身體 力行,落區為缺乏資源的小學生和中學生們免費教 授編程班, 累積已超過 了2 0 0 小時 的課堂, 落 力為本港培 育創科人 才。而今次 的編程比賽 除了讓各年 齡層的編程 人才切磋交 流, 更可以 向社會賢達 們推廣香港 本土創科的重要性,而這正正也是配合國家帶動的 六大未來產業發展。比賽分為小學、中學和公開組,當中不乏資深的編 程好手,也有國際學校學生、內地精英和業界人 士。當下午比賽正式開始時,大家都聚精會神地分 析題目,再以最快的時間透過編程解答問題。比賽 雖長3 小時,但因為5 條題目都經過精心設計,所 以大家都需要扭盡六壬才能逐一解答,最後以最快 和最準確解答的選手獲勝。得到編程學會和科技商 界贊助,今次比賽的獎品也十分豐富,但更難忘的 是見到小學生們都十分認真參與,有因獲獎而歡笑 也有因落敗而落淚的小朋友,可見大家都十分認真 對待比賽,也是本會和各合辦機構繼續推動全港編 程比賽的動力!
Get in HKPS website, you see “Hour Of Code” menu on top
If you are not registered yet, you jump in above page. Two options: register for teen or adult
This is the main screen, since we don’t have many courses yet, so no search bar. “On going” means the course still has lessons, you may ask teacher questions. “Done” means the course is ended, no question to teacher.
View course info and video play back
class Example1{
public static void main(String args[]){
System.out.println("Hello World");
javac Example1.java
java Example1
首先打錯字唔洗驚, 睇下個Error Message, 佢會有個箭咀指住大約錯邊個位, 同埋有個行數, 跟住就可以揾到錯邊
錯誤張文件名Save做.java.txt, 所有Java文件必需要用.java做尾. 你地係notebook到要簡下面嘅撰項
public class Example1{
public static void main(String args[]){
int score=55;
if (score >= 80){
}else if (score >= 60){
}else if (score >= 40){