Valentina will give us an introduction about bytedance visactor open source project, it is a great project to put charts in your website. In my opinion, it is even better than famous project jschart. Valentina will demo how to do project setup and coding demo.
Lunch with Thei and Microsoft to discuss the project about the AI platform
Get in HKPS website, you see “Hour Of Code” menu on top
If you are not registered yet, you jump in above page. Two options: register for teen or adult
This is the main screen, since we don’t have many courses yet, so no search bar. “On going” means the course still has lessons, you may ask teacher questions. “Done” means the course is ended, no question to teacher.
View course info and video play back
class Example1{
public static void main(String args[]){
System.out.println("Hello World");
java Example1
首先打錯字唔洗驚, 睇下個Error Message, 佢會有個箭咀指住大約錯邊個位, 同埋有個行數, 跟住就可以揾到錯邊
錯誤張文件名Save做.java.txt, 所有Java文件必需要用.java做尾. 你地係notebook到要簡下面嘅撰項
public class Example1{
public static void main(String args[]){
int score=55;
if (score >= 80){
}else if (score >= 60){
}else if (score >= 40){
Thank you someone for providing us with the venue (we can’t disclose his name). The workshop is very hands-on and everyone gets their first feeling to code the FPGA.
McCode is a weekly event for coding enthusiasts who want to share their passion, learn new skills, and enjoy some delicious food. Every week, we meet at a local McDonald’s restaurant and work on different coding projects, challenges, and tutorials. Whether you are a beginner or an expert, you are welcome to join us and have fun with coding. McCode is a great opportunity to network with other coders, get feedback on your work, and discover new tools and resources. Plus, you get to enjoy some tasty burgers, fries, and drinks while you code. What’s not to love? If you are interested in joining McCode, please visit our website and sign up for our newsletter. We hope to see you soon at McCode, the coding event that satisfies your hunger for learning and eating.